"Hey Guys-
I received both books yesterday and I am up to the fourth chapter and I am LOVING IT. Bud, it is terrific and can't wait to get back to reading it. More later.
Love to all, Phyl"
Known as the character Phyllis Lapin on the Emmy Award winning show THE OFFICE
Is the "voice" for the character "Sadness" in the Disney Pixar film, Inside Out.
"The Mercer Brothers talent, energy, warmth, and humor entertained Howard and me for many years at the Palm Springs Follies. Howard was proud and honored to be on the same boards with these multi-talented guys. Now, Bud has written a delicious romp through all his and his brother Jim’s golden years of vaudeville and Hollywood that I personally didn’t want to end.
Thank you Bud.”
"Bud Mercer's book is a delight for everyone who has enjoyed stage shows, movies and television in the last seventy five years. He gives readers behind-the-scenes information as to how show business operates and shares unique vignettes of the stars that have provided us with so much entertainment through the years. Bud Mercer is a real trooper and his joy in performing is contagious."
-Frances Davidson, Producer,
"The Mercer Brothers personify show business…particularly the golden era that was known as Vaudeville. What Bud and Jim Mercer brought to Follies audiences for eleven seasons other than extraordinary entertainment - was nothing short of a history lesson. Sadly, their act may well be the last of its kind…we are all the richer for
having witnessed it.”
-Riff Markowitz, Impresario of the